Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey!

Calling yourself forward is the best investment you can make in life.


Here’s the raw truth: I know first hand how valuable personal growth is. In fact it saved my life. There was a time when I questioned my existence because I felt so unloveable and undeserving of good things. But one day I made the commitment to do all I could to discover my worth and keep moving forward in life. (If you want to hear more about my journey and the best tools I learned along the way, check out my book Embody Your Worth: Essential Strategies to Live Confidently and Create Your Dream Life or click here.)

What I never predicted possible was that not only could I heal from trauma and brokenness, I could THRIVE. I have achieved a multitude of goals. I am living the life I dreamt of (when my mind wasn’t telling me such a life was impossible). I truly LOVE myself and I don’t let self-doubt deter me from going for what I want. This is the life I wish for YOU. I know it’s possible when you choose to invest in your growth and healing.


individual coaching

If you know that you prefer 1-on-1 coaching to get individualized support towards your goals, this is an option. Packages vary in length (4 or 6 months) and include different benefits based on your goals and accountability needs. Individual coaching is ideal for people who desire more personal accountability. 1-on-1 coaching is also often tailored to specific goals. Speciality goals that I provide include (but are not limited to):

  • Helping Healers Rise (supporting healers who know that investing in themselves is the best professional investment they can make)

  • Educational or career advancement

  • Social connection building (ex: dating, making friends, building new community)

  • Psychedelic assisted therapy Preparation and Integration Coaching



A 6-month live group program that will TRANSFORM how you show up in the world, moving from doubting and playing small to KNOWING your worth and EMBODYING it in all areas of your life.

(I just spent the last three years pouring my heart and soul into this book and group program, compiling all of the best tools I know to support you in fully owning your magnificence. When I say I am going to deliver, you better believe I will fulfill my promise and then some.)

Discover the power that happens when you join in community with other growth-minded people who believe in the value of uplifting all to uplift one, and uplifting one to uplift all.


This 6-month program includes:

  • Weekly group coaching by me

  • Monthly guests experts

  • Private community connection forum

  • Short video walk-throughs of the EYW tools

  • Take-home activities and reflections

  • Weekly motivational emails

  • A welcome self-care goodie basket

  • Closing ceremony celebration

  • A personally signed copy of my book


This program is for you if:

  • You are ready to shed your stories of “not good enough” or “undeserving” to step completely into your worth.

  • You want support and accountability to go after your goals.

  • Your intuition tells you that being in community with like-minded people will support you

  • You do well with interactive learning, beyond what you can read in the book.

  • You have already done some inner work, but you keep running into worthiness blocks because those tools didn’t quite cut it.

  • You value personal growth and healing work and therefore are committed to participate fully in the program.

This program is not for you if:

  • You are still in the midst of deep wounds that impair your ability to function or self-regulate, which makes therapy a better fit at this time.

  • You are not able to commit to investing the time and energy to get the most out of the program. I get it—life sometimes takes too much out of us to add more onto our plates.

VIP EYW PACKAGE (limited availability)

If you are looking for even more personalized support, for the fall 2023 cohort, I will be offering a VIP package upgrade. This package includes:

  • 6 1-on-1 coaching calls with me

  • Midway group retreat for VIP members

  • Monday-Friday 1:1 WhatsApp support

complimentary Clarity call

If group or individual coaching potentially sounds like something that would support you right now, the next step is to schedule a clarity call. My greatest desire is for you to get clarity on how you can best invest in yourself, whether you decide to work with me or determine there is a better growth route for you elsewhere. During our time, I will help you tap into your vision, assess where you are currently, and come up with a plan that aligns with your next best steps. Complete the interest form below to schedule.

(FYI: This is a no-obligation call. My desire is to genuinely serve you so it won’t be gross and salesy because that’s not how I operate.)

yes, let’s do this

Schedule your clarity call now so you can start your journey to align to your truth, embody your magnificence, and fulfill your dreams.


Starts at $332 per month

A pet peeve of mine is going to someone’s website, think what they offer sounds great, but prices are nowhere to be found. I have no clue if their service is something I would even want to financially consider before hopping on a call. I used to interpret this to mean that they wanted to reel me in and pitch me some grand scheme once we got on a call (which can be true for some companies).

When I began creating my coaching business, I quickly realized why prices are often not listed for coaches. I learned that it is hard to create a price list because coaching is designed to be a unique package based on client’s desires, therefore prices will vary. I was used to the traditional therapy model which charges by the “therapy hour” (50 minutes) which is based on the time when you are face-to-face with your therapist.

All of my packages go beyond just that face-to-face time. We work within a “container” that includes much more than just the direct coaching time. For example, some containers also include Monday to Friday support through WhatsApp. Additionally, there are times when the rates change based on specials I am offering or payment plan options. When we do a clarity call, we will determine a package that fits you, your budget, and the investment you are willing to make at this time.